Friday, October 31, 2008


Ways to procrastonate whilst avoiding writing that new novel which has not developed any traction yet:

Obsessively check through the last book for inconsistancies.
Chat with your friend on Facebook.
Research overseas markets for short stories.
Read a page here and a page there of non fiction books that might be called research materials
Go to GOMA and look at art and try to find ways to call that research.
Cook meals for the entire week ahead of schedule just so that you will have more time to write later.
Develop a play list that fits with the new book - songs in a particular mood.
Line up all your related books on the writing desk.
Cut out pictures from magazines that relate to the book
Buy photography magazines so that you can cut more pictures out of them
Go through the last book one more time just so it is out of your system.
Dishes. Don't forget the dishes
Hang clothes up
Tax. Got to do the tax.

1 comment:

Christopher Currie said...

I think you've got them all. Except the ever-reliable "afternoon nap as research"...